
Showing posts with the label Aws

From Zero To Hero!

I don’t know, somewhere somehow I keep hearing this line on the headers of courses/services these trainers want to sell. Wow, how enticing is that to someone who’s coming from a zero IT background. Yet, their 6-8 hours of videos on youtube after completion, you come out in a more zombie like state, dazed out and wondering, some how you were far better before watching it than after. And then, there are people selling courses, informative nice and you get to learn, but the more courses you do, the more you come to realize, these are all primarily geared towards achieving the certification. How to pass that exam, how to become that champion! Get certified and 6 figure income it is. It’s that easy. It’s lucrative. Well is it really that easy? lets discuss what this really is in a bit more depth. Initially you will learn all that there is to pass and clear the certification, once you clear it, you proudly display it to everyone put these badges on LinkedIn and then the reality sets in. You

High Availability vs Fault Tolerance vs Disaster Recovery

These are some of the key pillars of  AWS Well-Architected Framework   I think the Terms, are slightly misunderstood when designing an architecture. And can easily be confused with one another. Let us start with High Availability. Whenever we hear the term High Availability we tend to think, an architecture that is highly available, scalable and cannot fail. Well, the first two points might be right, but last part "Fail"  is where we need pay bit more attention. Lets see the difference. A High Availability: Architecture is actually prone to failures. What the term "High Availability" implies is an Architecture that intends to provide a maximum uptime. Meaning, in cases of failure, the ability of the system to recover as quickly as possible.  You could hear terms like 99.9% fail proof, 99.999% (five 9's) fail proof etc.  But that still means, for a 99.9% there is still a protentional of 8.77 hours per year of downtime possible  and for 99.999% there is still a p

AWS Cloudwatch

 AWS Cloudwatch is one of those products that initially looks very scary to deal with. Whole bunch of data, metrics, dashboards, analysis.Wait...sounds like now we are talking finance and not cloud. But, if you play around with it, fundamentally Cloudwatch works on simply three major principles. 1. Metrics 2. Logs 3. Events Think of it as a security guard, on duty 24/7 watching your house and if any single component stops working or gets damaged, instead of waking you up in the middle of the night, it will sound an alarm and it will take action doing all this while simultaneously writing a detailed report. Well, on a very high level that's the idea. Cloudwatch is extremely customizable and one of its key metric is well, a Metric. And that's what we're going to talk about today. Metrics are like triggers that you define. You can either choose from a predefined list of metrics that AWS has to offer or, you can write you own custom metric using AWS CLI or via an API . A partic

Area 53

  Yes! Area 53, we're finally going there. Super secret projects facility located in the middle of nowhere Nevada Desert, its an area also known as Groom Lake. It has facilities built inside the mountains to hide the alien technologies. It is so top secret that even the president of united states does not have the level of security clearance to access the site. It's what's called, above top secret and it is classified as a black project. "For eyes only". You cannot go within 10 miles of its perimeter without putting yourself at the risk of getting shot.  A site managed by the private military contractors and it is so elusive that no one has any idea what goes on inside.  The whole facility is so compartmentalized and distributed in nature that even the people who work there are delegated only a small section of the work so one worker doesn't know what the other one is working on, even though they might be working on the same technology. There are NDA's in