
Showing posts from July, 2021

High Availability vs Fault Tolerance vs Disaster Recovery

These are some of the key pillars of  AWS Well-Architected Framework   I think the Terms, are slightly misunderstood when designing an architecture. And can easily be confused with one another. Let us start with High Availability. Whenever we hear the term High Availability we tend to think, an architecture that is highly available, scalable and cannot fail. Well, the first two points might be right, but last part "Fail"  is where we need pay bit more attention. Lets see the difference. A High Availability: Architecture is actually prone to failures. What the term "High Availability" implies is an Architecture that intends to provide a maximum uptime. Meaning, in cases of failure, the ability of the system to recover as quickly as possible.  You could hear terms like 99.9% fail proof, 99.999% (five 9's) fail proof etc.  But that still means, for a 99.9% there is still a protentional of 8.77 hours per year of downtime possible  and for 99.999% there is still a p